An Introduction to HTTP Methods: Simplifying Web Communication

An Introduction to HTTP Methods: Simplifying Web Communication

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Ever wondered what communication looks like in the world of web development? When you browse the web, interact with websites, or send and receive data, you leverage a fundamental protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP provides the foundation for communication between clients (web browsers) and servers (web applications). HTTP methods play a crucial role in facilitating communication between clients and servers. Understanding these methods is fundamental for building web applications and APIs. In this beginner-friendly article, I will take you on a jolly-good ride into the world of HTTP methods, also known as HTTP verbs, exploring their significance in web development. So let's dive in!

What are HTTP Methods?

HTTP methods are commands or instructions used by clients to communicate with servers, indicating the type of action they want to perform on a specific resource. They are the actions or operations that can be performed on a resource identified by a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in a client-server communication, that is to say, they define the purpose of a request made by a client to a server and indicate what action should be taken by the server. Each HTTP method has a specific purpose and conveys the intention of the request being made. Let's explore the most commonly used HTTP methods:

GET: GET is the simplest and most widely used HTTP method. It is used to retrieve information or resources from the server. When you enter a website URL into your browser and press enter, the browser sends a GET request to the server, asking for the content of that webpage. GET requests are read-only, meaning they do not modify any data on the server. It is a safe and idempotent method, meaning it should not have any side effects on the server and can be repeated multiple times without changing the server state. Think of GET as asking for a book from a library. You approach the librarian and politely request the book you want to read. The librarian retrieves the book and hands it to you. Similarly, the GET method allows you to ask the server for specific resources, and the server responds by sending them back to you.
POST: Now let's consider a different scenario in the book/library analogy we used above. Imagine you have written a new book and want to contribute it to the library's collection. You approach the librarian, hand them your book, and provide any necessary information about it, such as the title, author, and genre. The librarian receives the book, adds it to the library's inventory, assigns it a unique identifier (e.g., a barcode), and makes it available for others to borrow. In the context of HTTP, the POST method serves a similar purpose. It is used to submit data to the server to create a new resource. When you send a POST request, you include the necessary data in the request payload, just like you provided information about your book to the librarian. The server receives the request, processes the data, creates a new resource, assigns it a unique identifier (e.g., a new URL), and informs you about the successful creation. So the POST method is used to submit data to the server to create a new resource. It typically includes data in the request body and it is not idempotent, meaning multiple identical requests may lead to different outcomes.

PUT: Imagine you discovered errors in the book you added to the library’s collection earlier and decide to fix the errors and update the book with the corrections. In this case, you approach the librarian, hand them the corrected book, and request them to replace the old book with the updated version. The librarian takes the updated book and replaces the old one in the library's collection. This can be related to the PUT method in HTTP. It allows you to update an entire resource on the server. You send a PUT request to the server with the updated representation of the resource, just like you handed the updated book to the librarian. The server receives the request, replaces the existing resource with the updated one, and acknowledges the successful replacement.

PATCH: What if instead of correcting the entire book, you only need to fix a few pages with errors? In this case, you would approach the librarian and point out the specific pages that need correction. The librarian takes note of the pages and carefully applies the corrections, leaving the rest of the book untouched. In HTTP, the PATCH method is similar. It allows you to make partial updates to a resource on the server. You send a PATCH request with the specific changes or corrections you want to make. The server receives the request, applies the changes to the specified fields or properties of the resource, and acknowledges the successful update.

DELETE: The DELETE method is used to request the deletion or removal of a specific resource from the server. When you send a DELETE request, you specify the resource you want to delete. The server receives the request, identifies the resource to be deleted, removes it from the server's storage or database, and confirms the successful deletion. Similar to returning a book to the library and asking for its removal from the collection.


HTTP methods are the building blocks of web communication. They define the actions a client can perform on server resources. Understanding these methods is essential for building web applications and APIs. In this article, we covered the most commonly used HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH, providing real-life analogies to simplify their concepts. With this knowledge, you can now begin your journey into the world of web development with a solid understanding of HTTP methods.